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  A full version of this annual report can be download here


It’s now almost two years since the radical restructure of LCCA as an umbrella organization which admits Chinese charitable organizations in Leeds with similar aims and objectives. Despite the fact that there is no direct funding and support from Leeds City Council and no paid workers, LCCA continues to deliver services to the community by all our volunteers.

In 2007, LCCA successfully organised a Charity Luncheon at Maxi’s Restaurant to celebrate the Chinese New Year and provided summer educational activities and outings for all its member organizations.



It also continues to facilitate the elderly Chinese Luncheon Club which is run by the Leeds Chinese Women’s Group in the Leeds Chinese Community Centre (LCCAC). The LCCA Centre remains the focal point and an alternate base for the Leeds Chinese Community School and the Yuk Ming Chinese Operatic Art Centre. Musicians and dancers come here to practise singing, dancing and playing Chinese instruments. It is so important that we can continue to provide the community a base in which they can learn and develop our much valued arts, culture and tradition, which we are all very proud of.

Therefore on behalf of the LCCA Board, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers, sponsors, businesses and individuals who have donated generously their time and financial support to LCCA.

LCCA is looking forward to working with all of you in the community for many years to come.


ALEX T. W. Kong

Chairman LCCA



利茲華人協會差不多用了兩年時間去重組﹐集中所有相似的目標的華人慈善團體成為協會成員之一。雖然協會沒有得到利茲市政府的經費和幫助和受薪員工﹐ 本會亦能夠靠義工作者繼續提供服務。





